Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Materialism at its finest

In Iolcus apparently all the cool kings have nice and shiny North Face fleeces. So for Jason to achieve his dream of being a king he had to get one for himself. Unfortunately for Jason the fall was fresh out so he had to get together with his boys (the Argonauts) and hop in their sweet ride (the Argo). They began a great journey that helped them save a king from some harpies and escaped a clan of killer babes. Sounds like a pretty sweet night in the club, but the show must go on. He had yet to get his fleece. They continued on their quest which lead them to mutilate a dove and then having not learned from their poor bird friend they wrecked the back end of their ride. Finally they reach Aeetes King of the North Face factory told Jason he only had one golden fleece yet and the only way he would part with it was if Jason planted dragon teeth with the help of his fire breathing bulls and killed the army that grew Aeetes would hand over his jacket. Luckily Jason was pretty good looking so Medea daughter of Aeetes gave him special lotion to protect from the fire and a trick to defeat the army. After completing the challenges Jason was finally given his coat and could return to his home as a pretty cool king.

 Love and revenge are both very similar emotions in their all encompassing nature. As we have learned from many of our Greek tales, love is powerful be it with a tree or a reflection of yourself. Neither of those situations ended well. Revenge often has the exact same success rate. As a young mischievous lad I had quite the temper. I often would react rather extremely at provocation. Be it a swift punch or well placed foot I always took my revenge, but the problems always came after. The teachers would always hear about what I had done and I would narrowly avoid major trouble. Revenge never helped me. It made things pretty rough on me a lot, but I learned to rely on it less and less. I suppose that is the major difference between love and revenge. Romantic love will on day cease to make things rough on me. Non-romantic love that of my friends and family I have learned to rely on more and more.



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