Tuesday, November 5, 2013

echo and narcissus

Echo was a beautiful young nymph who would distract Hera while Zeus seduced and had affairs with other nymphs. when Hera found out what Echo had been doing she punished her by taking away her voice, only allowing her to repeat what others say. Narcissus was the son of the blue Nymph Leiriope of Thespia and the River god Cephisus. the River god was not very nice and Leiriope was worried about the safety of her son so she took him to the oracle called Teiresias. Teiresias told her that Narcissus "would live to a ripe old age, as long as he never knew himself." Narcissus grew up to be a beautiful creature leaving countless broken hearts along the way, he had no desire to fall in love with anyone. When Echo saw Narcissus she fell in love with him and followed him through the forest because she could not talk. Narcissus finally heard her footsteps and said "who's there" but Echo could only echo him. When she finally showed herself to him and tried to hug him he pulled away and told her to get lost. Echo was heart broken. Another man named Ameinius loved Narcissus as well, and repeatedly vied for his attention. Narcissus sent him a sword, telling him to prove his love. Ameinious told the gods to punish the conceited Narcissus and then stabbed himself in the heart with the sword, committing suicide. Artemis heard the plea and made Narcissus fall in love with the only person he would approve of -- himself. Narcissus fell in love with his own reflection and for the rest of his life he got a taste of his own medicine, he was terrorize with the inability to be with the one who he loved and finally he killed himself because of it.

I think we can all be a little narcissistic sometimes and I don't think I really abhor anyone but one narcissist that is particularly frustrating is my father. arguing with him is impossible because he thinks he is always right and he is the only person he ever thinks about. in contrast, the most selfless person I know is actually a teacher at henry clay. Donielle Wood, who is also my younglife leader is the most selfless, caring, and loving person I know. from the time I first met her when I was in 6th grade she has always done whatever I need and whatever I want to do. if we ever went to dinner, I pick the place. if we ever hangout we do what I want to do. if I ever need her to come pick me up, she does, it doesnt matter where I am or what time it is, if I ask, shes there. Donielle is the complete opposite of my dad, I can say with full confidence that in any given situation, she thinks of herself and what she wants last, after she has considered everyone else and their wants. needless to say, my dad and Donielle are not friends.

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