Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Girls love Beyoncé

Okay my children let us sit down for a bit of a story about some crazy ass weirdos way back in the day. There was the Echo girl and then there was the Narcissus guy and Echo was sooooooo 'bout Narcissus but the fool tricked Juno and Lord knows you don't mess with pregnant teenage girls (that was a joke yes I know Juno was the wife lady in mythology learn to laugh) and so that girl got herself a curse. From that moment on, Echo could only repeat the last words of what had been spoken and nothing else. 
One day Echo finally got her thirsty self up on Narc and he rejected her like he do all the ladies cuz he think he all that. Echo got all sad and so she went to the mountains where she died of grief and now, how bout that, an ECHO is still there repeating the last thing you say into the mountain. 
This Narc guy though, all the gods thought he was going on about a whole lot of nothing and so they cursed his behind too and so he fell in love with something that would never love him back: his reflection. So he died of grief by a river looking at himself (#nofilter) and he became a flower that stays forever by the edge of the river. 

I admire Beyoncé. This woman blesses all of us with her presence and then she go out and she make good music and she keep us updated on her life on the real. You don't even have to pay to go backstage with her thanks to her blog. She got all them pictures of J and Lil B up there and they all family like and it's the bestest. 
For real though, this girl openly campaigned for Obama not only at his events but also on the blog and in her interviews and photo shoots. She is true to her fans and her beliefs at the same time. 
When that whole thing with the band members of Destiny's Child being switched around went down, Beyoncé refused to make music until she knew that all of her sisters were cool with her. She didn't produce Check Up On It's music video for the Pink Panther movie until it was certain that her girls could be included in it because it was technically a DC song. 
The girl is gold. 
Bow down. 

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