Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Echoooo choooo chooo!

The English language receives two words from this myth, the two main characters, Narcissus and Echo. From our definitions of those two words you can infer what the story is about. A girl whom repeats herself and a boy whom only cares about himself. This inference is kind of close but not the whole story. Echo was a wood nymph, whom was obsessed with Narcissus, as much as talking. One time she helped Zeus escape from being caught by Hera, for cheating, by continuously talking to Hera until Zeus got away. This angered Hera so much she took away Echo's voice except for the ability to repeat what other people say to her. Echo's walking through the woods thinking of Narcissus when he appears in the woods. They have a very odd and awkward conversation, which ends with Narcissus scolding Echo making her run away to the mountains and die of grief with only have voice to live on. The gods fed up with Narcissus selfishness, curse to love someone he can never receive love from... his own reflection. So, Narcissus falls in love with his reflection and dies staring at himself turning into a flower.

To be honest I had to look up what altruistic meant (more of a make sure than an " I don't know"). One altruistic person that I really admire is Martin Luther King Jr. He not only did a lot for my race, African-American, but for all majorities. And he really wanted to make America a better place. Because he knew that if America ever wanted to grow and become the country it was destined to be... white people would have to get along with African-Americans and other minorities. 

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