Tuesday, November 12, 2013

No Abraham Bad Dad (Also I Dork Out Over Fandoms)

Okay so that was really f**ked up.

Abraham and his wife Sarah had been promised a son, even though at the age Sarah was at it would not have generally happened (had there not been divine intervention, of course). So God pulled through and they had a son whom they named Isaac. They loved him and cared for him and they followed everything that God told them to do. Then one day God said to Abaraham, "hey, that child you had a while ago? yeah, I want you to off the fricker. Ceremonially, that is. Make it a show and stuff," so Abraham told his wife that he was gonna go with Isaac up to the mountains and worship together. And Abraham left everyone down at the bottom so that Abraham and his son could go worship on there own.

So as there going up there Isaac was like "hey daddy so where's the animal we're gonna sacrifice, cause you know we'll probably need that for this thing" and Abraham just told him that one would just appear because God gives it to him. They reach the place and Abraham readies everything, has it ready for a fire and everything.

Then the fricker just grabs his child and ties him up and lays him on top of the pile, holding a knife up about to stab him when God intervenes and said "whoa, whoa I didn't expect you to actually do it, put that knife down. Now I know you're bat&*#$ crazy - I mean very faithful - so you can have this ram and sacrifice it instead." So Abraham does.



I dunno 'bout y'all but if I was Isaac I'd have some serious trust issues after this. And I can't help but wonder what kind of God asks you to kill your child to show loyalty to him, like that's some nazi BS up in here. Isn't there something forbidding murder or something? Yet a kind and loving God just tells you to kill a child.


Okay so moving on from THAT, since I'm 17 - though not for long - I can hardly say I have seen true sacrifice, given anything myself, etc. So I'll do the next best thing: ramble about true sacrifice in fictional worlds! YEaH! I'll just talk about the first two to come to mind: one from Puella Magi Madoka Magica and one from Star Trek.


So. PMMM. Bad stuff is happening and there's no way to stop bad stuff from happening. Magical girls try to slow it down but they all inevitably fail - by dying or becoming the bad stuff themselves. They make wishes with Kyubey, and that wish is granted and in return they must fight witches. But it's a cycle, and these magical girls only become witches themselves, should they survive at all. So long story short, Madoka makes a wish to stop witches from existing. She pretty much becomes god and defeats witches as they occur.

Trust me, it was awesome and incredibly sad.

(That's her in case you couldn't tell)

And because I haven't talked enough, another one that I thought of is Kirk/Spock (one or the other depending on whether it's Into Darkness or Wrath of Khan). I don't think I have to explain this one as much but I'm pretty sure that counts as sacrifice.

(Crud I'm gonna cry now) x

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