Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Jason and his Gold Piece

Jason was the son of a king, rightful heir to the throne, but he had a jealous uncle who usurped the throne from his father. So Jason's mom sent him away to be raised by Chiron the centaur so his uncle wouldn't kill him. He eventually learned of his birthright and went back to claim his kingdom. His uncle told him if he retrieved the golden fleece he could take his rightful seat as King. Jason assembled the greatest group of heroes,called the Argonauts, and they sailed off the fleece. Of course they came across many trials and tribulations but Jason prevailed making many tough decisions and sacrifices on the way. He befriends a woman named Madea, she is madly in love with Jason, he kind of uses her. They do have children that Madea ends up killing because of her rage, because Jason betrays her (shocker). He returns to his old ship, because no one loves him. The ship's mast falls on him and kills him, how romantic of an ending.

The first thing that came to mind when I though love and revenge was the Twilight series. I remember how all the girls in middle school was like "OMG I Love Twilight!!! Team Edward or Team Jacob??" And I didn't understand allthe hype and actually kind of angered me, because it was a teen romance about vampires and werewolves interacting with humans. But I think 7th grade I decided to read the first book and became immediately hooked and was and still am Team Jacob.
P.S. Thanks to Kristen Stewart for ruining the series.

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