Tuesday, November 12, 2013

abraham and isaac

Abraham and Sarah were both good people who loved the Lord and had always been faithful and obedient. God tested Abraham countless times and Abraham always acted in accordance to God's will. after all of this testing God rewarded Abraham and Sarah with the child they had been praying for for so many years, a son named Isaac.

Abraham and Sarah loved Isaac more than words could describe so I cant even imagine how Abraham felt when God asked him to sacrifice Isaac. But even though this must have been the hardest thing God had ever asked him to do, he still obeyed. Abraham took Isaac on top of the mountain and just when he was about to stab him an angel appeared and told Abraham to stop. maybe a little confused but without a doubt filled with joy and completely willing he took his son off that mountain and sacrificed a ram in Isaac's place.

in scripture we are called to hate our friends and family compared to how much we love God, we are also called to work in accordance to His will no matter what it may be. there are plenty of stories of Christians dropping everything and uprooting their family to move to places like China and Africa because they feel called to do so. even so, I find it quite hard to believe that any of these people would be willing to kill their only child. even if God did tell them to do so. in our society we all draw lines, lines that we will not cross. these lines are usually for our own benefit, to protect ourselves from any discomfort or pain. these lines are what keep us from true sacrifice.

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