Wednesday, November 6, 2013


this will be my worst blog post yet if i have to read this i will flip a table over

there was this nymph who without any reason made sure Zeus wasn’t caught cheating on his wife with other women so she liked to talk a lot so she’d talk to Hera (Zeus’s wife) so Hera wouldn’t know but then she found out and was like f*ck this and cursed Echo to never be allowed to run her mouth again but only echo (wow that’s trite) what other people said to her. So Echo falls in love with this guy named Narcissus who was a dick and she got rejected then Narcissus apparently caused some guy to kill himself because Narcissus rejected him too wow you need to learn how to accept rejection and move on with your life so Artemis made Narcissus fall in love but there’s a catch see it was only with his own reflection. Narcissus sat by this lake just looking at himself and was like dammit I can’t ever have myself can I then he stabbed himself when he died his blood became a flower now called the narcissus hahaha no

The only narcissist I can think of is myself so that won’t do so let’s talk about someone altruistic. Christopher  Hitchens was my greatest idol before he died and to this day I envy his wit, speaking ability and dedication to dismantling religion in places it shouldn’t belong like in our government and all. The reason I say he’s altruistic is he never gave up his cause until he died of cancer at the young age of 62 he literally kept giving speeches right up until he died and even though he knew he was going to die soon when people asked him if he would convert on his deathbed in fear of going to hell but Christopher Hitchens never did. He wrote “Mortality” which I’m absolutely dying (haaaa) to read because contemplating death when at least how I see it is the end of consciousness is a form of altruism to me considering many people fear death but hitchens took death straight on and helped a lot of people see death differently so they knew it was nothing to be afraid so hitch I really miss you plz come back

miss u

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