Tuesday, November 12, 2013

"I Volunteer As Tribute" -The Ram

One day God told Abraham to take his favorite son Isaac up a mountain to sacrifice him. It was a test. Abraham decided that his faith in God was more important than his son's life so he and Isaac set off up a mountain. They gathered all the stuff needed for the sacrifice, but woah - wait! where's the lamb where supposed to kill?! Isaac is a little concerned, but Abraham is like, God will provide us with everything we need. So they go for a walk because apparently Isaac thinks the lamb is gonna be in the woods somewhere. Then Abraham jumps him, ties him up, and throws him onto the sacrificial pyre. Then reciting some holy words, he raises the knife about to stab his one and only son. All of a sudden, an angel comes down from heaven and is like, "woooooaaaaahhhhh there Abraham, God didn't actually want you to kill your son - though it's awesome that you love God so much. So untie your son and go kill the ram in the bush." Lo and behold there's a ram in the bush. Abraham unties Isaac so nonchalantly goes and gets the ram. They kill it together. Thanks to this test, Abraham became the father of all nations. Apparently, attempted homicide is a great track record for the best father in the universe.

True sacrifice seems to be an altruistic giving of something. Sarcifice can be half hearted, but TRUE sacrifice should be completely selfless. I don't exactly agree with the idea that giving your life is true sacrifice - I think it can be in some cases, but not always. True sacrifice can be seemingly insignificant, such as if a child gives up his favorite toy to another without a second thought. Though childish, it is a sacrifice, one that can be truer than millionaires "sacrificing" thousands of dollars or actors "sacrificing" a week of their time in a third world country.

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