Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Jason and the Golden Fleece

The story goes that Jason was told by King Pelias that in order to rightfully claim his throne of Iolcos in Thessaly he needed to retrieve the golden fleece. This fleece was no ordinary golden fleece. It was the fleece of the gold-hair winged ram. Jason sets out to get this fleece with his group of heroes called the Argonauts. They sail upon their ship, the Argo. They face many challenges along the way to the fleece and on the way back but eventually emerge victorious. This happens to be a very similar journey to that that is described in the Odyssey. While on his journey, Jason meets a woman named Madea whom he brings back with him, marries, and has a few kids with. As Madea's beauty fades and Jason realizes that that is the only thing he liked about her, he begins to fall in love with another woman. Madea is outraged. She kills their kids and Jason's new lover. Jason later dies lonely when the mast of his rotting ship falls on him.

Love seems to be the cause of so much drama, violence, betrayal, death, bitterness..... etc. But anyway, even though love is such a great thing, it has the power to cause massive tragedy and chaos. Thinking about stories such as the Iliad or Romeo and Juliet love caused so much distress and tragedy that it seems as if it's not even worth it. But these stories seem like extreme exaggerations nowadays. When was the last time you heard about a war starting because one guy stole another guy's girlfriend? Maybe there was a fist fight or a harsh exchange of words, but never a war. It seems that most that crazy stuff people were willing to do back in the day is over. The toils of love now consist mainly of petty drama and possibly a crime of passion every once in a while.

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