Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Narcissus and Echo

Basically Echo fell in love with this heartless stuck up guy who refused to love anyone but himself. Then Echo pissed off Juno so Juno made sure that she could never actually talk again, only repeat what others have said. Then one day Echo and Narcissus meet up and he more or less ripped out her heart. She ran away in tears. The gods were sick of this business so they cursed Narcissus so that he could only love his reflection. Now he felt the pain he had inflected upon so many others. He refused to leave his reflection so he died.

Like most, I don't truly appreciated narcissistic and self centered people. I know, I know, we all have our moments. But moments can be forgiven, habits are frustrating. But super altruistic people make me just about as mad. The fact that they're great at being humble seems so backwards. Sometimes it seems almost of selfish intention. But I'd rather be an altruistic person, even if for selfish reasons, than a narcissistic person.

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