Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Narcissus and echo

Narcissus was a fine piece of man meat who was constantly checking himself out in still pools if water, Echo was a wood nymph and was cursed so that every time she spoke she had to repeat what the person had said. But she loved narcissus because he was a dime. She went over to talk to narcissus but narcissus was annoyed by her because she kept repeating everything he said, because narcissus is mean to echo he also gets cursed and falls in love with his own reflection and turns into a flower. And that's that.

 Caroline Hoertz and will freeman are the definition of a narcissist.  They hunk the whole world revolves around their cute little relationship, but it doesn't and they need to figure that out now. All they do is out me down so they can feel better about themselves. As I'm writing this I just realized yes Corman is also a narcissist because he just punched me for no reason and now I'm mad at him.8

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