Tuesday, November 12, 2013


So basically God was like “Yo Abraham give me your only son” and Abraham was like “wow that’s a lot to ask but you God so what the heck”. Abraham packed his bags and dragged two servants and Isaac with him to give God a “sacrifice”. The Isaac’s like “hold up dad where’s the sacrifice meat?” and Abraham is like “God will grant us with it.” The he gets Isaac all ready to sacrifice and an angel comes down is like “whoa Abraham cool your jets God sees that you are scared of him and I will bless you with as many descendants as stars are in the sky. The Abraham’s like “alright cool” and goes back on his way. 

To me true sacrifice is when you are willing to give up something that you love for something that you love more. Obviously Abraham had to truly love God and believe in him to be willing to give him his only son. For me luckily, I don’t think that I’ve ever had to truly sacrifice anything.


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