Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Abraham and Isaac

God said to Abraham "kill me a son."
Abe says "Man, you must be puttin' me on." That's what happened in the song at least. In the biblical story, Abraham, without hesitation, offered to kill his son when God asked him to. More specifically, God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac in order to show his devotion to God. Abraham was completely willing to do so. However, after Abraham had binded Isaac and was in the motion of lifting his knife to do the deed, God halted him. God feels safe in assuming that Abraham fears him and tells him that the task is unnecessary. Abraham then sacrifices a ram that he sees caught in the bushes instead.

I believe that true sacrifice is to be willing to give your own life or most valued possessions in order to contribute to a greater cause. It seems fitting that this prompt is due the day after Veterans Day. Those that enlist in the army are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for the betterment of their country and their families. Those who are willing to put their lives in this situation are true heroes and should be treated as such.


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