Tuesday, November 5, 2013

White and Forrest

There are kind of two stories that are involved in this story. The first is of echo, a very talkative nymph. Echo would often help Zeus escape after cheating on his wife Hera by distracting her. Echo would go and talk to her about senseless things just to get her attention off of Zeus. Hera eventually caught Echo in the act and punished her by taking away her voice and making it so that she was only able to repeat the words that were said by others. After all of this went down, Echo falls in love with Narcissus. Narcissus is admired by many, but only seems to ignore those that are in love with him. Eventually the gods grow tired of this and curse him to fall in love with someone that will never be able to love him back, his own shadow. Narcissus does nothing from then on but stare at his reflection in the water, until he eventually dies. Out of his remains grows a single flower, this type of flower is now known as a narcissus flower.

One very narcissistic character that I dislike (even though he is hilarious) is White Goodman from the movie Dodgeball. White constantly does things to make himself look better and is way to vain in general. Whether it's feathering his hair, excessively working out, or pumping his cup full of air, White cares way too much about his self image, and that makes him a character that is easy to dislike.
One extremely altruistic character that I admire is Forrest Gump. Though I don't necessarily envy his intelligence level, Forrest is completely selfless throughout the movie. Almost all of his actions are done in order to help other people. These actions include going back in the jungle to save Bubba during the battle, and mowing lawns for free in his home town. Forrest might not be the smartest of characters, but he is definitely one of the most selfless.

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