Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Jason and the Golden Fleece

The Golden Fleece is a collection of the stories of the older heroes. It was made of the skin of a golden ram and guarded by a dragon. Jason was tasked with finding the fleece and he asked the heroes of the past like Hercules and Orpheus. They were called Argonauts and the 50 of them traveled to the land of the fleece with Jason in a ship called Argo. The king's daughter Medea was a sorceress and she helped them by charming and drugging the dragon. They took the fleece and Medea fled with them; they traveled all around the world until returning back to Greece. Medea killed her brother and sliced him into a bunch of small pieces so her dad would not be able to find her. Later, Jason left Medea and she killed their children.

(http://www.bookpalace.com/acatalog/Home_Jack_Matthew_Art_173.html) This is a picture of Jason with the Golden Fleece and the sedated dragon next to him. 

The love in this story quickly turns to revenge as Medea gets back at Jason for leaving her by killing their children. Most stories of love and revenge are not this dramatic because Medea is psycho and kills her family. In some crime shows I have watched before, a husband or wife is often killed by his or her spouse for having an affair, so that's a good example of love turning to revenge. However, I cannot think of any great examples in my life or in current events, but I am sure there are some. Just thought of one. I heard on some bad radio show on the way to school that Miley Cyrus gave out Liam Hemsworth's phone number after he broke up with her. She was so upset that he dumped her, her revenge was having thousands of teenage girls call him every day.

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