Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Jason and the Golden Fleece

When Jason was a little boy, his father, King Aeson, had his throne stolen by his brother, Jason's uncle. But as Jason grew into a young man, he came back to challenge his uncle for the kingship. I don't know about yall but I'm kinda getting a little Lion King vibe if you ask me.

But anyway, his uncle promised that if Jason could bring back the golden fleece (???), he would give up the throne. So Jason gathered a crew, stuck em on a ship named Argo, and called he and his crew the Argonauts, which seems a little crazy to me, but we'll go with it.

The Argonauts overcame many obstacles, but eventually arrived in Colchis. The King of Colchis, when asked for the Golden Fleece, told Jason he must yoke two fire breathing bulls, plow a field with them, and plant dragon teeth (which I guess he just had on hand I don't know). The dragon teeth, when full grown, turn into soldiers who attack the hand that planted them, which, if you think about it, could give the ol' Jack and The Beanstalk story a nice little Hollywood twist.

So after all this is done, Jason and Medea, the daughter of King Colchis, get past a dragon guarding the fleece, and head off for home with the Argonauts still tagging along. Oh and apparently there is something in the story about how Medea killed and sliced up her brother and spread his body parts in the sea so her dad would have a hard time pursuing her.... Which is actually crazy. And if I'm Jason, I'm throwin her over the side of the boat too, because you know that next time she hears her daddy is gonna come a-knockin', she'll be comin atcha with a knapsack on her shoulder and a butcher knife in hand.

But, all the horror aside, Jason and co. make it home safe with the fleece and he becomes king.

All in all I think this is the ultimate story. I mean, what's not to love? You've got family drama, a plot with some extreme twists, a hero on a mission, and a love component. Although I forreal don't understand the part about Medea and her brother, that's messed up.

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