Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Abraham and Isaac

In this story, god spooled Abraham and his family, giving them gold and other objects because they respected the commandments, and worshipped God. He even gave them a son named Isaac. To test Abrahams true devotion to God, he told him to sacrifice his son on top of Mount Moriah. Abraham set up the altar and tied his son down, when he was about to sacrifice Isaac, God told him to stop and sacrifice a ram instead. Abraham showed his true devotion to the lord by not hesitating in following God's commands.

True sacrifice is when you give something up for someone else and you get nothing in return. Very few people today show true sacrifice because there is always some incentive driving them to do that. YEs people donate, serve at service homes, etc. But when we donate and do service we can get tax credits and other things that make us want to do these good things. Now that i think about it, our society is kind of sad because we don't really do anything out of the kindness of our hearts, but rather for money and other incentives.

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