Tuesday, November 12, 2013

abraham you son of a bitch

So Yahweh tells Abraham to kill his only son, Isaac, to test how loyal Abraham is. The next morning he, Isaac, and Abraham’s servants gather up enough wood for the offering, and they set out for a mountain God had told him about. When they approached the general vicinity, Abraham told his two servants to stay behind with the donkey while Isaac and he went to worship and that they would both be back later. (Abraham is a kind of a dick.) As they climbed the mountain, Isaac said, uhh, do we have anything to sacrifice? And Abraham was like yeah of course, God’s gonna give us a lamb when we get there. Abraham, you son of a bitch. 

So they got there, and when Isaac wasn’t looking Abraham tied him up and threw him on the wood and grabbed his knife and said sorry gonna kill you but then an angel came down and was like stop that. God was happy that Abraham was willing to murder his own son, so he told him he’d be the ancestor to a lot of people. The end.

 k so this is the deeper part

Merriam-Webster’s most general definition for sacrifice is “surrender of something for the sake of something or someone else.” True sacrifice is the daily surrendering of the self for the sake of someone else.
I have to sacrifice my pride to the people I love the most. Regularly I have to crucify selfish desires  so that I might not want anything from anyone else. To be content with another’s happiness even when I have not gotten what I wanted in the exchange is, to me, a true sacrifice. We cannot survive if we live as slaves to what we want from other people; the only way we can attain contentment is if we give up our innate desire to control other people and learn to be content in anything. This is what is meant by the sacrifice of the self: the surrender of selfish desires for the sake of attaining peace.
this blog post is bipolar and makes no sense and i'm so sorry

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