Thursday, March 13, 2014

Tough Enough / Toughen Up (edit)

Tough Guys wear jackets made of impenetrable leather,
And Tough Guys are on a first name basis with Mary –
Jane that is,
And Tough Guys ride motorcycles during the empty hours of night
Under the stars, alone,
And Tough Guys never love.

It’s not that they’re against love
At least not consciously. The leather
Jackets are just too thick to let anyone in. Tough Guys are destined to be alone
And no amount of Mary
Kay the ladies apply every night
Will change that. The fact is

Tough Guys drive fast. To? Away? Anywhere. Nowhere. It is
The only life they know – the one they made, the only semblance of love.
The cold, dark, anonymity of night
Shrouds them in yet another layer of protective leather
As they take their respective one-night Mary
To bed alone.

Solidarity. They have learned to be alone.
They are the Tough Guys, that is
A simple fact of life. But tonight’s Mary
Is no Virgin –complimentary with a different idea on life. And love?
Hers is one that thrives on the encapsulating leather
That clocks these men of the night.

Something different happened that night
The Tough Guy no longer wanted to be alone
Safety he had found in the old leather
Jacket is
Gone. Now only is love
For this Mary.

Mary, Mary, Mary
She was the celestial being that had hung the moon in the night
Sky. A last name mattered not when it would soon be His. Is this what it means to love?
Or had the realization finally struck that he was truly and utterly terrified of being alone
With only the remnants of what is,
Or was rather, his shield of leather?

“Stay?” He pleaded, cradling the diamond ring as Mary sauntered to the door. Broken and all alone,
Unsure and unable to hid in the safety of night, his latest ephemeral girl (Tina – or was it Lucy?) is

Only cheap love supplying a trip back to empty highways, Tough Guys, and jackets of thick, thick leather.

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