Thursday, March 13, 2014

College- Sestina

They say high school are the greatest years of your life.
Well, I beg to differ.
The next four years have so much to offer,
I like to call the next four years college.
Don't get me wrong, high school was fun,
but there is so much more to come.

I enjoy my senior year, but I cant wait for graduation to come.
I am ready to move on with the rest of my life,
I just want to have fun.
Although high school and college greatly differ,
I feel as if I am prepared for college.
I cant wait for the opportunities it has to offer.

I know my future has so much to offer.
Spring is here, summer is to come
Once it is summer, next is college.
I know it will be the time of my life.
Although our opinions may differ,
I know it will be fun.

All of the new friends I will gain will be fun.
College will have new experiences to offer.
Our experiences may differ,
but you should be excited for what's to come.
You can reinvent yourself and have a new life,
all while in college .

Are you excited for college?
The rest of the year will be fun.
But think about next year, your new life.
Its an offer
you cant resist, and is soon to come.
Do our opinions differ?

Our opinions may differ.
But let me tell you, your next four years will most likely be spent at college.
Don't dread what's to come,
enjoy it and have some fun.
Don't dread what it has to offer,
have the time of your life.

So now I saw goodbye, as I move on with the rest of my life
There is so much more to come, college has so much more to offer.
everyone's opinions differ, but we all know it will be fun.

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