Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Villanelle

One Art by Elizabeth Bishop

I enjoyed reading this poem because of its excellent use of the villanelle style and the subject is one that everyone can relate to and needs to understand. So many people today dwell in the past and hold grudges for the dumbest things, for instance; omg they subtweeted me, holy crap they said something mean about me to someone else. But who cares really, just get over it and move on because this isn't a disaster . Why do we care so much about all this stupid stuff because in a couple of houses from now, it won't hurt us. That is the main thing I got from this poem and that is to let go of the past and try not to let these petty losses in your life consume you to the point where you lose your mind. Elizabeth did a great job at keeping the villanelle style consistent throughout the poem, as well as having the content strong and prevalent for the readers, making it easier for them to relate and therefore understand the circumstances that are occurring in this poem. I can honestly say I enjoyed reading this poem because most pose I hate if they don't have a cheesy rhyme scheme that a three year old could make up.

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