Friday, March 14, 2014

Orpheus and Eurydice

Orpheus had the voice of Beyoncé  and Jesus combined, he could pick up any chick, or animal he ever wanted. His voice had power over everything animate and inanimate objects. He could move the rivers and the roads when he sang. He fell in love with with this maiden and they were getting married In a meadow but his wife Eurydice was bitten by a viper and died. So Orpheus traveled to the underworld and sang his song to hades and his wife and wooed them to give him his wife back.  They agreed to do so but he couldn't look at her until he got to the real world. So they were walking and he got greedy and looked at her before they were out of the cave and she disappeared forever.

I've been told I've had the voice of an angel before by mother and that has gotten me pretty far in life. I really want to try out for American idol because I believe I can win it.  I've also been told that I am the least greedy person in the world and that is why everyone love me. There was one time I didn't follow the rules and that was when I was 5 and my mom said come get lunch and I said hold on let me go down this slide and my mom probably said you will regret it so I did it anyways and I hit my head on a pol and got 14 stitches on my head and ruined out picnic. The moral of the story is don't break the rules, and to keep your heart open so love will always find it's way in.

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