Friday, March 14, 2014

Home Movies

Off to dance class I go
My mommy’s hand firmly grasped in my own
For a four-year-old isn’t capable of doing such things alone
I stare at myself in the mirror while I dance
Making silly faces at the video camera held by my mommy
And chewing on my skirt for some odd reason

And there’s really no reason
to be filming all these school plays when we go.
But mommy
insists and now we own
countless VHS’s of horse camp and Christmases and endless dance
recitals. And one Yo-Yo Ma concert recorded alone.

So I sit in my room alone
watching theses videos over and over again and my only reason
is that I’m a narcissist and like to watch my dance
class from when I was five because I think I was just so adorable. And here we go
again with the dancing to apparently  the only Britney Spears song the studio owns.
While proudly watches my daddy and mommy

Oh and look what mommy’s
filmed now. Me. Alone
in my own
room asleep face down on the floor for some reason.
Oh yes that’s just hilarious mother. Just go
away and stick to filming me dance

Ok so maybe she did. Dance
apparently was a popular subject for mommy
to record. And there I am, going
at it again alone
in our new dining room, dancing to the nutcracker in summer for some reason.
And here comes the crying as I slip and fall to the floor. I really own

too many leotards and tutus. But what a great thing to own.
Especially when you won’t stop forcing your mother to film you dance
And the only reason
She does is that she’s your mommy.
But when I’m alone,
I think to myself that I really was the best dancer of all the kids that go

to my dance class. And I watch my own family’s Christmases
for no reason but to sit alone through all the videos and be nostalgic.
And to remind myself to apologize to my mommy for having to go through all those tantrums.

My sestina seemed like a difficult process at first but once I got the first stanza together, the rest flowed pretty smoothly. It was actually pretty fun to do the rest because it was like a puzzle to try and fit the rest of the words into a believable context. Also I had just gone home one day and watched pretty much all of my home movies from when I was around 4-6 aged and I felt like writing about it.

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