Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Paris and the Golden Apple

When the goddess of discord and strife was not invited to an important wedding, she decided to cause trouble by throwing a golden apple amidst the crowd.  The golden apple was marked for the fairest of the goddesses and was immediately claimed by all three goddesses: Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena. This in turn prompted a beauty contest between the three of them for the apple. Paris was to pick the winner of the contest and naturally, each goddess attempted to bribe him and sway him in their favor. Hera offered power, Athena offered military victory, and Aphrodite offered him the most beautiful woman in the world. Paris chose Aphrodite. Turns out, the most beautiful woman of the world was Helen, Queen of Sparta. So when Paris abducted her all of Greece declared war on Troy resulting in the Trojan War and the eventual destruction of Troy.

((Also all y'all art history folk the picture is a Rubens - look at that red! how fitting that we just learned that.))

As for divine food - oh boy, any food is just downright delicious. (I'm interpreting divine in the sense of outrageously good and not otherworldly, hope thats ok/correct?) I could rave about food for hours, and that's not even an exaggeration. I also like weird food combinations - my cat gets that from me, she'll eat flavored yogurt and olives over her cat food any day. I could literally put peanut bitter on anything. I mean there are people who like peanut butter, some people who love peanut butter, and then there are people like me who will literally eat the stuff straight out the jar with a spoon and have no shame. Croissants, can't live without them either. Or peaches, or feta cheese, or rice....literally, I could list different foods I love for hours. I treat food with respect. I'm under the impression that the presentation of the food is half the taste of the food itself; thus, I always try and present food the nicest way possible. There's this quote I love and I can't remember who said it (he was French) but it went something like, "the act of eating is an art." You go French homeboy, you know what you're talking about. I don't guys, this second part of this post is just meandering along and struggling to make a point, but I just really like that quote. And food. Especially when it looks nice. I guess I'll end on this note: respect your food. Like the apple, you never know when a single piece of food might completely change your life around.

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