Friday, March 14, 2014

New Look

In the 1950’s Dior created the “New Look”
for women to look more like women,
after they had to spend the war looking like men.
I hate that
But I also love it.
Skirts meant you couldn’t wear the pants, not in the 1950’s.

Women were relegated to the kitchen in the 1950’s.
They would cook dishes and look
out for their husband, for when they made it
home. And after they ate, the women
would wash dished while the men played that
game that was just for men.

I think understand why men
came home in the 1950’s
and allowed their wives to look like that.
They hadn’t seen the “Old Look,”
the way that the women
were able to do all of it

I don’t know if they missed it
after welcoming back the men
and going back to their duties as women.
Time went backwards in the 1950’s,
women got their new look.
But is that that?

I love that
New Look, I just adore it.
But only the look.
Created by men
In the 1950’s
For women

Can a woman look like a woman?
Could the men understand that?
Now, not in the 1950’s.
To be able to wear it
but act like a man.
That should be the New “New Look”.

For women to look like women without forgetting that it
doesn’t mean that we have to leaving wearing the pants to the men.
I want to go back to the 1950 but only for the look.

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