Tuesday, March 4, 2014

night sky

The link would not come up on my computer so I had to look on wikipedia for what a villanelle was. It said is was a 19 line poem consisting of five tercets and one quatrain. A villanelle also has two repeating rhymes and is generally pastoral. So with that description all of these poems fit the description of a villanelle. However, I think that “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night” by Dylan Thomas makes the best use of it. To me this poem seems the cleanest and the most music like of all the poems. I thought that the way the poem was split up matched perfectly to the change in scene and the quatrain did a perfect job of switching to the final words. Also I love the contrast of the night and light as alternate endings in each stanza I think it does a great job at taking the poem from good to great. 


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