Thursday, March 13, 2014


There once was a man named Harry
who loved to eat lots of food.
He would eat in the morning, 
day, and night, whenever he found the time.
He had a wife named Mary
who loved to eat too.

They loved each other too.
It excited Harry
when he met Mary
to find someone who loved food
as much as him. Time
seemed to move still when they were together waiting for morning.

Harry was eating one morning
and Mary was eating too
Mary had made the breakfast this time.
All the food was hairy
but Harry still ate the food
and so did Mary.

Harry loved eating with Mary
every night and morning.
He loves sharing his food
with her too.
He sure did love food though,Harry,
and ate it all the time. 

Then one time
he was eating so fast and Mary
stood in front of Harry,
and that morning
he swallowed her too.
Just like his food.

He really did love food.
He ate it all the time.
He felt bad though too
since he had eaten Mary
that one tragic morning.
Poor Harry.

So don’t be like Harry and eat all the time 
or you too can end up eating your own Mary 
one morning as food.

So I found these really hard to write and so when I was reading my first one back it didn't make any sense so I just rewrote it. The first one seemed like a good idea at the time but was really hard to make sound good. So instead I wrote about what I know best, food. 

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