Friday, March 14, 2014

Lazy Lazarus Get Up

Once upon a time there lived a man named Lazarus who was very ill. His sisters sent word to Jesus a friend of Lazarus. Jesus waited two days before coming to see Lazarus. When he arrived Lazarus had passed away and was buried in a tomb and had been for four days. Martha the sister of Lazarus is outraged at Jesus for allowing her brother to die. Jesus then goes out to the tomb and has the people present roll away the stone against the wishes of Martha. Jesus calls Lazarus back out of the tomb. He emerges alive bandages and all.

Resurrection plays a huge role in the Christian faith. It is the represents the new life that the faith preaches as well as provides for the legitimacy of Jesus as a deity. Outside of Christianity resurrection plays a large role in culture. Books and movies introduce and play with the idea of resurrection all the time. The undead is something that captivates us. Zombies reaching through the ground, vampires waking in their coffins, and ghosts roaming the plethora of creepy house movie sets all cart as prime examples of resurrection in our society. Humans are fascinated by death and this fascination causes them to look to what life is like beyond the grave or even life from the grave (resurrection). I grew up watching scary movies and singing songs about Jesus rising from the dead. I was born into a culture that denied the power of death religiously and socially. This is an interesting paradox considering just how much we value our own lives.

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