Sunday, March 23, 2014

El Libro de Ruth

I shall set the scene. 
Famine hits Bethlehem.
Elimelech and his wife, Naomi, are forced to move east to Moab with their two sons.
Upon their arrival, they decide to just take a small sit, which leads to them living there for about ten years.
The sons marry some chicas that they find there. One is named Oprah (she later has her own talk show after the invention of the television.) and the other is Ruth.

Suddenly Elimelech and his two sons die.
This leaves Naomi, Ruth, and Orpah to fend for themselves and they needed help. So Naomi decides to head back to Bethlehem and Ruth and Lady O  pack their luggage and join her. Naomi begs the girls to stay behind. Orpah, distraught after ending her show for this, is quick to turn back so she can start her own channel instead. Ruth, however, treks on with Naomi.

To sum things up really quickly, Bethlehem sucks too.
Naomi is depressed and "Ruth is reduced to gleaning in the barley fields." However, she does meet this dude named Boaz. Boaz is super wealthy and well known within Bethlehem, and he immediately likes Ruth and he does a little courting with her. Turns out he's also a relative of Naomi's man Elimelech, so he sorta has an obligation to marry Ruth and be a provider for her and her family.

So Naomi finds out about this, and she starts plottin' for Ruth to put a ring on it.

She tells Ruth to visit him during the night time hours and lie at his feet. Evidently, this is hella sexy. Ruth does this and Boaz is "pleasantly surprised" to see her interest.
Boy, is it getting hot in here?
Anyway, Boaz tells Ruth that he would love to marry her, but it turns out that there's another dude closer in line than he is. *dramaaaaa*
WILL RUTH END UP WITH BOAZ OR HER MYSTERY MAN??? Find out after these messages!


Boaz finds the guy and it turns out he's only interested in buying some of the land that Naomi has, and really doesn't want to marry Ruth. So after some bargaining, the guy is like "Kay bye" and Boaz is free to marry Ruth.

Eventually, Ruth and Boaz finish lying at each others feet and have a son. The women in the town name him Obed, and he ends up being the grandfather of King David. Yay.

My topic was intercultural or interracial relationships. I guess one could say I am familiar. Evidently, this is still a big deal in the United States, which is completely ridiculous.
I saw this photoset once and it's pretty accurate.

In my most recent relationship, there was a lot of BS like this. The most common thing I got was something along the lines of "Aren't you afraid that a white  boy won't want to date you again?" and you can't even dignify it with a response. There's just nothing to say. You have someone who is just completely taking away the status of the human being standing next to you because he or she is ignorant and at that point in life, there is just nothing you can do to make them understand. I guess it's how people were raised but there's no excuse.

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