Thursday, March 20, 2014

Star Wars Sestina

The best movie series is Star Wars,
as we see the rebels destroy the death star.
Led by the Jedi Luke
who defeats Darth Vader, his father.
He relies on the gift of the force,
which Yoda taught him and also gave him a lightsaber

We know he is good by the blue hue of his lightsaber.
Without Luke there is no Star Wars.
He is a jedi master, one with the force,
which he uses to destroy the death star, but was unable to save his father
I wish Leah could marry Luke

He tried his best, Luke
did, but the force and his lightsaber
wasn't enough. Luke I am your father
is the classic line from Star Wars.
The empire is gone, as is the death star
only hope survives, as well as the force.

It is a symbol for the jedis, the force.
The rebels need more like Luke
incase the Empire rebuilds the Death Star.
There is no end of the lightsaber
and hopefully no end to Star Wars,
because there will always be a son and a father.

Everyone forgets about Luke's father,
he was once strong wight he force.
He is the sole reason for Star Wars.
He the creator, and Luke
the follower. He was given his father's lightsaber.
So he could use it to destroy the Death Star.

The Empire is stupid, and so is the Death Star.
The movie was predictable, Darth Vader means Dark Father.
This is a lie,because he once used a blue lightsaber.
And didn't use the dark side, but the force.
Annakin died, and his son rose from the ashes, Luke.
This has been a recap of Star Wars.

So we know the Death Star was destroyed by the force.
Luke discovered his father.
and the lightsaber will be known as a part of Star Wars.

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