Thursday, March 13, 2014

Anthem (Explicit)

white bourgie bitches are getting gay married in
west la while macklemore and ryan lewis sing a queer
because they know marriage can separate shame from love
(what need have i for bread when i have
wedding cake) after all its laws not respect what makes us human.

because of course right now i am not human
im a second class beast in
need of a straight savior who will have
that rare sense of higher purpose to support Those Queer
Folk a savior who will bear that burden of love
and who will march to the beat of our anthem.

I do! I do! I do! not believe that an anthem
written by a straight man whose identity as a human
has never been questioned and who has never been beaten for love
can represent my people who in
their daily lives fight for the queer
and die for what they do not (cannot) have

the rights and respect and safety and freedom they do not (cannot) have
for gunshots and nooses are our anthem
the deafening song of the dead and dying queer
not because they cannot marry but because they are not human
we second class beasts we in-
human freaks of nature we physically deformed freaks who dont know “real love”

we who dont know real - traditional - love
we who have never experienced the effect a lovers lips may have
or the security of anothers affections in
our hearts. we know nothing of a soulful and pure anthem
of love. after all we are not human
we are the animal queer

we are the animal queer
and no we feel no love
for the Allies who cannot see us as human
but as trophies to have
to fill their tumblrs with fanfiction and their ipods with cute gay anthems
but its fine. my people are not dying we are gaining marriage there is change from within

and because of that we the queer (wish you would stop saying tranny and faggot) have
nothing but gratitude for the straight man's sacrifices and offer our now-legal-love and      dedicate this anthem
to you. we who are now human would like to thank you for allowing us in.

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