Tuesday, February 25, 2014


My husband gives me an A
for last nigh't supper,
an incomplete for my ironing,
a B plus in bed.
My son says I am average, an average mother, but if
I put my mind to it
I could improve.
My daughter believes
in Pass/Fail and tells me
I pass. Wait 'til they learn
I'm dropping out.

T- The tone of this poem was filled with annoyance. The mom was clearly agitated by the way her family has been treating her this whole time. Why should she have to put up with all their crap, she has no motivation to help them out, which is why she ends it with the clever remark "wait 'til they learn I'm dropping out".
W- The word choice was very simple and straight forward. It was as if she was having a normal day conversation with a friend or family member so there was no need for sophisticated language, which was nice because it helped me understand what she was actually saying.
I- There wasn't much imagery in th poem itself, but as I connected the poem to my life I got thousands of scenarios in my head that were similar to the ones in the poem. Like me telling my mom that her cooking needs some work, but I do give her credit when credit is due.
S-Synatx was also very simple, there was some enjambment in the poem to break it up, kind of like what is happening to this poor family if the kids and husband son't step up their game and help lil ol' mama around the house.
T- I thought the theme of the poem was just to not think about yourself, and put the feelings of others before your own because you never know what pet peeve will send someone over the edge.

I can relate to this poem becausee my brother and I always make fun of my mom for her cooking abilities which just makes her so mad, and my sister is always there to kiss up to her and tell her everything is fine and she just ruins the fun. And finally because my mom probably threatens me everyday to take me down to Florida early if I keep behaving like e three year old child.

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