Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Love and Relationship poems

I chose to contrast the poems Love is not all by Edna St.Vincent Millay and To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time by Robert Herrick. 

Love is not all starts by telling us how unimportant love is. It is not necessary for our survival and without it we will still be human. However, it then shows that she herself is in love and that even when she would be in extreme conditions she would not trade that love for anything. This poem basically contradicts The Beatles “All You Need is Love” by saying that yes it is important but it’s not all that you need.

To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time is a poem telling young women that they need to marry while they are young or they will never find anyone that wants them. This poem has the complete opposite viewpoint of the former poem. Robert Herrick is saying that these women are only wanted when they are young. They are only wanted when they  have their youth. Also that if these women do not find men while they are young then they will not have any purpose in life.

I personally agree with the viewpoint of Edna St.Vincent Millay. I think that when an if you find love it can be amazing and that person can be your “everything” but they aren’t really everything you need. Love can only give you so much but you still have to live life and be yourself and find other purpose to life. 

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