Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Apple Blossom


hey little apple blossom
what seems to be the problem
all the ones you tell your troubles to
they don't really care for you

come and tell me what you're thinking
cause just when the boat is sinking
a little light is blinking
and i will come and rescue you

lots of girls walk around in tears
but that's not for you
you've been looking all around for years
for someone to tell your troubles to

come and sit with me and talk awhile
let me see your pretty little smile
put your troubles in a little pile
and i will sort them out for you
i'll fall in love with you
i think i'll marry you

This song by the White Stripes depicts a man attempting to, as simply put as possible, woo a girl. The tone of the song seems almost playful as he calls her names such as "Apple Blossom" and uses rhyme to give the song an upbeat and attractive melody. The rhyme scheme is altered constantly throughout the song, changing after every stanza: AABB-AAAB-ABAB-AAABBB. As I said before, the rhyming makes the song sound playful to the girl as if he's trying to lure her in. He also manages to tell the girl multiple times that she is all he needs and that he can solve all of her problems, so she doesn't need anyone else. At one point he uses a metaphor to make this clear: "cause just when the boat is sinking/ a little light is blinking/ and i will come and rescue you". This metaphor is saying that when she is starting to break down (sinking), that there is hope (blinking light) because he solve her problems (rescue her). 

Though I don't think it is intended to be, the more I listen to this song the more I envision a middle aged man trying to attract an underaged girl by saying all the same things an internet predator might. I hope this is not the case, but telling her others don't understand her... he is the only person she needs... and constantly luring her in with sweet talk sounds like something out of the internet safety videos we've had to watch every year for the past 4 years.

However, if you don't look at the song as an act of internet predation, it does just sound like a sweet song that a guy is singing to a girl as she's going through a rough time.

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