Monday, February 24, 2014


The lord commanded that on the tenth day of the present month, every man was to sacrifice a lamb for God. He also went into a long explanation of how to prepare the lamb and eat it. ("This is how you are to eat it; with your cloak tucked into your belt.") The lord also said that he will pass through Egypt and kill every firstborn. The lord advised all his followers to spread blood on their door so he will not bring the plague among them. Moses spread God's message to the elders of Israel. Later that day God killed every first born including the Pharaoh's son. The Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron and told them to take the Israelites and leave Egypt to worship their Lord. "Give us, us free." This quote is from Amistad (1997). One slave stands up and yells this as he sits on trial, in chains. The white man demands that he sit down and be quiet, but the other black Americans in the court admire his bravery. It's difficult to discuss liberation without immediately thinking of slavery in America. slaves were treated like savages, tamed under the power of the white man and surpressed, their basic needs barely being fulfilled. In modern day, liberation is the ability to control and direct your life without having to yield the majority of your respect to a central power figure. This left over respect you can use for personal growth and innovation. The industrial revolution occured primarily due to the liberation of the American people from Great Britain. Without having to channel their energy into respecting a government that restrained them, they were able to flourish and create technology that created an easier lifestyle for them. Personal growth is the product of liberation. The railroad, the cotton gin, airplanes: examples of the growth of humans. As long as we are not chained to authority, the growth we see out of humans may know no bounds. Unimaginable to us right now, and so close for us to create. Without liberation the only thing we have to look forward to is satisfying our biolgical needs and desires. A slave's only reward is the food he eats, water he drinks, and wife he sleeps with. We have the freedom to grow.

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