Monday, January 27, 2014

Two Poems

The first poem I read was "Identity Card" by Mahmoud Darwish, I was a little disappointed when I found out the poems lines didn't end in a rhyme scheme, but I enjoyed reading the poem because it gave me a different opinion of the lives of some Arabs. You see his anger and impatience on the way his people have been treated from the beginning of time. Through the whole poem he use of his short quick sentences you see him speaking abruptly almost filled with anger, a very Eye opening poem. And speaking of eye opening…...

The second poem I read was "When I consider How My Light Is Spent". At first I was confused at what he was trying to say, until I realized he was literally talking about blindness  After doing some readingI found out the poet Milton was actually blind himself, and that he was worried about how he could serve the Lord without the ability to see. I thought that he wanted people to realize that through everything in your life, the good, the bad, and the ugly, you should always be grateful for what is put in front of you, because somebody out there has it much worse. So take what you can, when you can.

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