Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Identity and Culture in my 2 Poems

The first poem I chose is "The World is Too Much With Us" by William Wordsworth. I chose this poem because I like the authors name and because I liked how "I" was referenced several times making it more personal. Wordsworth describes the wastefulness of our society by saying, "Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers"(2). Many things have been given to us through nature, but we do not use them well. Our "powers" so to speak are not used near to their full potential. Perhaps this suggests our wasteful, materialistic, and selfish culture as Americans. We are perhaps the most prosperous and powerful nation in the world, but we stand idly by while people in Africa are starving. We throw away hundreds of tons of food every day, while a little boy in Ghana hasn't eaten in days. This is further shown through, "For this, for everything, we are out of tune" (8). We are out of tune because we cannot see that help is needed and we could make a difference. Although there are problems occurring everywhere, "It moves us not" (9). We are selfish and care more about petty things in our lives than important things elsewhere. I connect with this because sometimes I feel bad about how wasteful I am; instead of being generous and donating food, I eat until I am full then throw food away. 

I think of this image when reading about selfishness and the disparity of wealth. 

The second poem I chose is "Identity Card" by Mahmoud Darwish. Not only does he have an awesome name, but also I like Darwish's short style in his poem. The short lines make it easy to read and draw me in as a reader. This poem is different from the last one because it shows the other side of the spectrum. The speaker works very hard, doesn't waste anything, and is still hungry and angry. He needs help and is not getting it, where the first poem referred to people who didn't help those less fortunate. I selected this one for the same reason as the first; I feel sorry for the speaker and wish I could help. I want to not be wasteful, so there is plenty of food available for all. 

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