Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Rescue of the Child Moses

The story begins with a new king coming to power in Egypt. They were overpopulated and to decrease the number of people, the slave mastered oppressed them with forced labor and made their lives miserable. When this didn't work as well as they had hoped, the Pharaoh said that every boy who is born must be thrown into the Nile River while the girls may live. A baby boy was hidden by his mother for a few months and then he was put in a basket and left to float down the Nile. The Pharaoh's daughter saw the baby floating and he was one of the Hebrew babies. The Pharaoh's daughter took the baby to the actual mother of the baby and said she would pay her to nurse the baby. When he grew older, the Pharaoh's daughter reclaimed the baby as her son and named him Moses and said she drew him out of the water.

I am not adopted, nor am I good friends with anyone well who is adopted. However, The few people I do know are adopted seem to have the same parent-child relationship that any family does. The unconditional love is not bound by genetics, but it is still very much present. In the story, the baby was found by the Pharaoh's daughter, and rather than letting him die like all the other boys, she paid a woman to take care of him and eventually made him her son. Parents who adopt children don't receive anything for their efforts, in fact they have to pay a very high price to take children in. Just like other parents they want a child to love and take care of; adopted children and their parents share a special bond.
Here is a picture of an adoption with a great story behind it. 

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