Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Two Poems

The first poem I chose was "When I Consider How My Light Is Spent" by Mr. John Milton, which literally and figuratively discusses blindness. Milton himself was blind, and he wonders if his "talent" (a New Testament reference meaning gift) have been wasted, if he can still serve God without his sight. Also, he casts a wider net. The point of his poem is to get the readers to ask themselves if they are wasting the talents that God gave them. Does our culture lessen the value of certain God-given skills, and if so, how can we change that? Milton proposes the idea that our identity comes from God, and to serve Him should be our main focus in life.

The second poem I chose was "I'm Nobody! Who Are You?" by Emily Dickinson, where she says that to be somebody is "dreary" and "public". Her idea that being a "nobody" is unpopular and yet, better contrasts sharply with Milton's desire to please The Lord, and to be out in the open serving God. Dickinson is sarcastic almost, making fun of those who believe that living a public life is the way to go.

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