Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Joseph, his brothers, and the coat of many colors

Jacob had 12 sons, but his favorite was his 11th son, Joseph. Joseph would have dreams of him being a strong ruler that he would tell his dad and would make his brother's jealous. He would dream that the sky would bow down before him. One day Jacob gave Joseph a colorful coat made from the finest fabrics. It was beautiful and soft and much better than the other coats that his brothers had. The other brothers were even more jealous then they were before. One day when the brothers were tending the sheep, Joseph went to check on them which made them angry. Once he arrived they tore off his colorful coat and threw him in a pit. After a while a group of traders came by and the brothers took Joseph out of the pit and gave them to the traders. Once they realized that they had to tell their father something they took the colorful coat and smeared animal blood on it. They took the coat to Jacob and said that an animal had killed him. Jacob cried and the brothers said nothing. However, Jacob was in the Egypt where he was at first a servant for a Pharoh's official. He become overseer of the house. Then he was sent to jail where he worked his way up to be a warden. He got out and then worked his way up to be the Pharoh's number 2. Then when the great famine came Egypt was the only country with enough food and would sell it to other countries. Later his father and brothers moved to Egypt to escape the famine and although he could execute of imprison them he chose to let them be free.
I don't have any most warn garments now but when I was little there were certain clothing peices that I would want to wear almost everyday. In one particular instance, when I was around 6, I had been wearing the same shirt and jeans for a couple days and my mom told me I had to change to go visit some family friends. I said okay and went to my room to change. We made the few hour drive and had been there for maybe an hour or so the mom of the other family looks at me and then my mom and says, "Is Olivia wearing two sets of clothes?". My mom looks at me and then is astonished because since she had told me I couldn't wear the clothes I wanted I just put other clothes on top of them.

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