Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Moses and The Burning Bush

To start this story off, Moses is flock-sitting for his father in law when one day he led them to Horeb, the mountain of God. Somewhere around the base of the mountain, Moses saw a fire and decided to investigate.

He saw a burning bush, but the bush was not consumed by the flames. He was very confused by this and decided, like all curious men do, to step forward and figure out what's going on.

God then spoke to Moses from the bush and told him to approach the bush, but to take his shoes off because He didn't want him to track dirt in the house. Or it was holy ground, I'm not sure.

The Lord then tells Moses about how he has a plan to get his people out of Egypt, for he has seen how they are oppressed and wants to help them. He will send Moses to the Pharaoh, and tell them that he is from God and that he should release God's people, and Moses will then lead them out of Egypt and into the "land of milk and honey".

Moses is a little skeptical about this plan, but after some reassurance from the Lord, he's good to go, and sets off for Egypt.

Although I don't have a lot of experience with fire, I do think that if I saw a bush on fire, but not burned, I would be pretty stoked. Not like Moses, who's all chill about it, like "Umm yeah I guess I'll go check this out". I think fire is cool, but I'm kind of afraid of it, honestly. I'm not bold enough to do stuff with fire, but I love to watch it. Fire has this unique power to it, and in a way I think it's kind of majestic.

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