Tuesday, April 8, 2014


The story goes that Orpheus and Eurydice were deeply in love and decided to get married. Unfortunately, Eurydice gets bit by a snake the night they get married and tragically dies. Her soul is sent to the underworld. Orpheus journeys to the underworld in an attempt to bring Eurydice back to the upper world. He convinces Hades and Persephone to let Eurydice go under one condition: He is not allowed to look at Eurydice as she walks behind him during their rise to the upper world. Just as they are about to reach the upper world, Orpheus turns around and looks at Eurydice out of passion and she is immediately sent back to the underworld. Orpheus becomes distraught by this (even though it's completely his own fault). He goes around the world playing said songs and rejecting women because he is still devoted to his lost love. Eventually, and group of women that pursue him don't take the rejection so lightly. These women are the Maenads who worship the god Bacchus. They are all drunken and unruly and don't seem to be too happy when denied by Orpheus. They begin by throwing sticks and stones at him... then tear his body apart limb from limb and throw the body parts in the river. His head still screams Eurydice's name as it floats down the river.

The music I listen to is pretty diverse. I listen to just about everything except for gospel music and country music. I find country music to be intolerable. I really enjoy discovering new music and spending time to search out new music. One of my favorite things to do is go to music festivals like Bonnaroo, Lollapalooza and Forecastle. Music festivals are a cost efficient way to see many bands that I already listen to and to discover some that I haven't heard of.

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