Thursday, April 10, 2014

Gonzo, Kermit, and the golden touch

King Midas was a king in ancient Greece. One day his people found a satyr drunk and carried it to him. Midas recognized the satyr and was kind to it. After a while he took it back to Dionysus who in return granted Midas one wish. He wished that whatever he touched be turned to gold. Dionysus granted the wish and for a while all was well. But eventually Midas touched his wife who turned to gold and also realized he could never eat again as whatever he picked up also turned to gold. So Midas's life tragically ended in his starvation due to his blessing turned curse. 
This story was by the way retold by the muppets where Gonzo was the satyr, Kermit, the king and Miss Piggy, the queen. Which is why it is one of my favorites. 
As for money and earthly possessions that stuff doesn't tend to matter to me. I much more care for people and their happiness so that stuff falls to the back burner, which sometimes burns me because school goes with it. I tend to not be so school focused because other things matter more to me. Especially friends and making sure they are ok. 

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